Blogging is all about expression, whether you are expressing personal feelings, or expressing your own take on a common theme, task, or idea. If you are curious to know how to start a blog, then turn to a trusty search engine. From there you should be able to find all sorts of free blog submission websites, and plenty of places where you can submit blog links. You may already have a blog create site, but if you want to expand and try to gain more readers, you can definitely submit blog links to various websites. Most people are familiar with reposting links, as we see it happen all the time on the internet. Often I see links to Youtube videos, pictures, or websites of interest. There is no reason not to submit blog links as well. If you really want to gain attention to your blogs, then you probably want to submit blog links to your entries as often as you can. This will help spread your blogs around, and in turn gain more readers. Get more here.